The Clarity Box

Recently someone shared with me a fantastic way to help stay focused on my goals. They define a “clarity box” concept. It’s one great way to help keep on track with your long term plans for your business and life.

The idea is that you take time to define 4 areas of your life.

  1. Core valuesClarity Box
  2. Vision statement
  3. Guiding principles
  4. Future state

You treat these as your filters for everything that comes your way. It could be a business opportunity, a potential new client, a new relationship, a new project to work on, etc. If the new item doesn’t pass all your filters then you decline. (more…)

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Doing Good Things

I had a great childhood growing up as the oldest of three. We lived in Clemson, SC through my second grade. During third grade, we lived in Texas because of dad’s work. My parents are from Texas and therefore liked being back there. It was a learning experience for me for sure. A new school, new friends and new terrain.

We returned to SC after my third-grade year and moved into a quaint mill village for the rest of my school days. I gave hundreds of volunteer hours to the high school marching band, the yearbook staff, clubs, and other groups. One year I donated my lunch break so that I could work with a mentally challenged class. I was always very busy. (more…)

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