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Are Your Self-Limiting Beliefs Holding You Back from Success?

Over the next few weeks we are going to cover the topic of self-limiting beliefs. What does that really mean you ask? A self-limiting belief is anything that comes in your mind that prevents you from being able to do something.


  • I can’t do it as well as she can.
  • I don’t have enough money.
  • I don’t have enough time.
  • I’m not good enough.

Sometimes are beliefs are not right on the surface. They might be buried in our childhood.

A detailed example

Nina is a virtual assistant that’s been working at home for two years. She has a steady client load but she’s getting restless. She loves her clients but she also wants to launch her own product line so she can have a source of repeat income and spend more time with her family. She’s done her research and she knows what type of product her community would love.

But Nina starts listening to her critical inner voice. She struggles with thoughts like, “I don’t know where to start. Who would listen to me anyway? I don’t have enough experience to be teaching this yet. I need to take more courses/join more groups/get more coaching first.”
Before she knows it, Nina’s scrapped her entire project. She tells herself that she’s going to master just one more thing before getting started on her product.

A Life You Love Is Waiting For You

You can probably relate to Nina’s struggle. You’re ready to expand your business or hire the new team member that would make a world of difference to your business, but then you hear the same critical inner voice that Nina does.

Imagine having the confidence you need to step into your full potential. Imagine owning your experience and building a business and life that you love. Imagine meeting every obstacle head-on with plenty of confidence to spare.

Become Who You Were Meant to Be

You have the potential to accomplish all of your business goals. But you let self-limiting beliefs hold you back, so you keep playing small. You work with clients that don’t pay you what you’re worth. You don’t publish that book because you think you don’t have enough experience. You don’t partner with a business coach because you think you’re not important enough.

You keep listening to these lies, replaying them like a beloved song. You do this, not because you love being stuck, but because being stuck feels safer than going after what you really want.

Self-sabotage is the playground bully that keeps pushing you around and it’s time that you get angry. It’s time that you stop listening to his taunts and insults. It’s time that you take back your power and become the business owner you were meant to be.

You can build a business that you adore, one that nurtures your soul and pays your bills. But first you have to tackle the self-limiting beliefs that are holding you back. Don’t be afraid—your best life is waiting for you on the other side.

Ready to end self-sabotage and build a business you love? Download your free workbook. Get the Workbook!

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